Thursday 13 June 2024

Employers Seek Grads From Top Universities!

Employers are increasingly seeking candidates who possess passion and problem-solving skills in today’s job market. Financial Literacy for Youth Malaysia view career fairs as often favouring graduates from top universities who are known to have better problem-solving skills.

Candidates from top universities have typically proven themselves to be resilient, have problem-solving skills and can work together in groups. 


Social class and parents’ educational background play an important role in determining access to quality education for youths. The affluent could afford to finance quality education in top universities. Those from less affluent backgrounds face challenges and often rely on student loans or scholarships.

Local universities have become “factories” for regurgitation with no thinking skills. And so many universities are not high in any rankings and they defend their predicament by saying rankings are not important. Employers don’t buy that. Writing, thinking and oral skills are all stunted. No fault of the students. It is the education curriculum, teachers, and leadership at the Education Ministry. There is a blueprint but there is no ability to translate plans to actual results. So PISA results are always below satisfactory level. We are 51st globally. But Singapore is the world leader (number 1 in rankings) for maths, reading and science. What will be our future in 20-30 years forward? Another Myanmar?


Employers seek grads from top universities for their passion, says group, Liew Yen Rou and Ameera Huda, FMT, 28 May 2024

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