Thursday 11 July 2024

Malaysia Ranked Second Worst on Work-Life Balance!

Malaysia was ranked the second worst country for work-life balance out of 60 countries in the Global Life-Work Balance Index. Compiled by a human resources solutions company known as Remote, the index reviewed the 60 highest GDP nations with data collected and analysed in March 2023. Malaysia was ranked 59 out of 60 with a meagre score of 27.51 out of 100, placing us right above Nigeria which scored 17.03.

The study recorded an average workweek of 40.8 hours along with an annual leave of 19 days, and a minimum wage of only USD1.07 per hour. Malaysia’s score was 5.71 out of 10 in regards to the happiness index along with a score of 9 out of 100 for the LGBTQ+ inclusivity index.


Malaysia ranked the lowest amongst the Asian countries, when compared to Singapore who placed 19 and Taiwan at 16. The country that took the crown for having the best work-life balance unsurprisingly went to New Zealand with a score of 79.35. The second position was Spain with a score of 75.55 and the third was France with 75.34. 

According to the study, the index was put together based on workplace-related factors such as statutory annual leave, sick pay, maternity leave, healthcare, and overall happiness.

The government is committed to ensuring that Malaysians have a healthy, safe and more humane workplace and working conditions, said Human Resources Minister when confronted with the data. The government has been making various improvements towards that goal including ratifying the Convention C155 of the International Labor Organization (ILO).

Our position, so low in the index, is not surprising but I am mortified that we are second worst. This is primarily the private sector. The public sector balance is incredibly good! In the private sector, there are companies that exploit young workers with low wages, extended hours and limited benefits for annual leave, sick pay and others. The MEF and the Human Resources Ministry must map-out how conditions could be improved that we are not too far behind other ASEAN nations like Singapore.


Malaysia ranked second worst country for work-life balance out of 60 countries, The Sun, 

26 June 2024

After Malaysia ranked worst among 60 countries for work-life balance, HR minister says govt committed to ensuring humane workplace, Malay Mail, 27 June 2024

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