Monday 26 September 2022

“Can I Advise You Something?”

We may have advisers in our companies/organisations, in our homes (usually your wife), in our schools or in other areas of endeavours. In all instances, advisers are there as resource people, proferring their thoughts when it is sought, not when it is not needed.

The High Court ruled that the ex-FLOM dominated her husband and had control over the former prime minister. In his 116-page judgment, the Judge said it was clear from the audio recording that the accused gave instructions to the ex-PM on government affairs. The judge was referring to the audio clip of “Can I advise you something” that went viral.

The judge said the accused’s tone was commanding and contrary to her contention that she heeded former PM’s prohibition on not meddling in government affairs.

He further added that an aide (Rosmah’s) was telling the truth when he said that the accused has an overbearing nature and the ability to influence decisions in the civil service as he has worked with her for many years and would have been able to witness this personally.

The judge further said Rosmah’s defence that she had never interfered in any Government’s project, was hearsay as Najib did not testify in court. He said the accused emphatically denied interfering in any of the government’s projects, especially in a RM1.25 billion hybrid solar project for 369 rural schools in Sarawak


All her statements attributed to Najib were hearsay and are inadmissible as evidence, as he did not testify and only he could verify what the accused claimed he had said.

The judge further said that the accused claimed that former Minister of Education and former secretary-general of Ministry of Education had a vested interest in the project and that they had cast aspersions on the accused to camouflage their wrongdoings on the project. The judge found no credible evidence to prove that both individuals had attempted to profit from the project.

There is a subtle difference between advice and advise. Advice is a noun. It means an opinion or recommendation that is offered as a course of action. Advise is a verb. It means to offer an opinion or suggestion or formally provide information. In ex-FLOM’s case, it is correct to use “advise” – she is giving direction to the former PM who follows that instruction.

There is nothing inherently wrong for a wife to advise her husband! But here it is on state matters, which impacts on integrity, policies and procedures. Rural school children in Sarawak are impacted by one person’s greed. So, what can we learn?

Greed is in all of us, but this was well above any decency;
“Checks and balances” obviously failed;
Civil service and Cabinet can be “stream-rolled”;
Non-party and non-Government individual can override Government decisions; and
Executive branch has far too much clout over our legislative branch. We are grateful the judiciary stood firm.

The present PM needs to reform the current practices and procedures to reduce another episode of “Can I advise you something?”

Can I advise you something” shows Rosmah controls Najib, govt affairs: Court, Bernama

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