Monday 2 September 2024

Are We (Malaysians) United in Diversity?

Generally, we have peace and social harmony in the country but politicians and political parties like to divide us with race and religion. Many do not realise both Bangladesh and Pakistan are wholly disjointed even if they are of one race and/or religion.

We may not have street marches, like in Europe or Bangladesh although we did have some semblance sometime ago under “Bersih”.

Power-sharing arrangements coupled together by the wisdom of our rulers have ensured stability and prosperity for all. But poverty in the Malay heartland and the Borneo states are not being met aggressively. That may also include the urban poor in the PPR flats or living on the streets of KL, JB or Penang.


Officially, the country tries to practice moderate Islam or the “Madani” approach but many “Nons” feel they are moving steadily on a slippery slope to conservatism! PMX panders to all parties so we may not know actually where we are headed! Unlike some truly conservative Islamic societies, women have a role in the public and private workspace. “Glass-ceilings” remain but many are exerting their (women) rights to be CEO or on the Board of PLCs.

We have a framework for “checks and balances” with a 67 year-old Constitution. The legislature, judiciary and executive remain fairly independent, although some may question its veracity. Nevertheless, we do need to admit areas we could improve:


Corruption (or less of it);

Discrimination in opportunities and employment;

Racial/religious sentiments for any upward mobility in the public and (to a lesser extent) private sectors; and

Treatment of foreign labour and displaced people.

Do we have unity in diversity? The simple answer is still “Yes” and “No”. Flying the flag is good but that is not a measure of your loyalty. It is when we:

serve everyone without prejudice;

respect each other even if we disagree on some matter;

cheer together our athletes in the international arena like the Olympics;

‘look-out’ for our neighbours without being told to do so;

enjoy each other’s food, culture and festivals;

support the poor, the marginalised and discriminated, without race being in the equation; and

celebrate our diversity and not just tolerate each other, then we are truly united.

God Bless Malaysia!


Inspired by Unity in Diversity: Attributes That Bind by Emeritus Prof Shad Saleem Faruqi, Star, 28 August 2024

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