Monday 9 September 2024

Law to Reduce Red Tape: What Next?

The government is tabling the Government Efficiency Commitment Act by the end of 2024 to reduce red-tape. This is according to the Economy Minister. The Act will bind agencies and ministries to make sure, for example, for everyone regulation that is put in, take one regulation out, according to the Minister.

Such legislation is common in other countries and is much needed in Malaysia as a lever for the development of micro, small and medium entrepreneurs (MSMEs). The government’s decision is a commitment to simplify the way we do business, according to Rafizi Ramli.

This is interesting. Many years ago, the government introduced Pemudah, a task force to reduce red-tape. Before that and eons ago, there was MAMPU. Now, an Act of Parliament. What next? Sometimes it is just common sense to cut red-tape. But bureaucrats being bureaucrats, it is difficult to give up a form, a licence or approval. This is not new. India has the British Raj to thank for, for all the permits, licenses and approvals necessary to start a business.

Why can’t we benchmark with Singapore (or some other similar jurisdiction) and implement things without an Act. If we are serious, each Department needs to get feedback and have a third party validate the feedback and act on it. We have charters for departments. But are they monitored? Why will an Act work? Will the offenders go to prison or face capital punishment? Could we then introduce an Act for coffee breaks, “ponteng” or just being lazy?


Govt to introduce law to reduce red tape- Rafizi, Zarrah Morden, Malaysiakini, 27 August 2024

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