Thursday 23 May 2019

How to Measure Success?

Everybody wants to look successful. Some buy a BMW or Mercedes to reflect they have arrived! But if you ask the average Joe, you may not get a clear definition of what is “success” or how to measure it. If you are a Christian, then it is likely your response will be Matthew 6:19-21 or Matthew 6:31.

In a secular setting, people measure success differently, what someone sees as the pinnacle of life it is a nightmare to another. So what could be a “fair” metrics? suggests 15 ways to measure success but I am going to pick only 7 of that:

(i)          Money – common measure but not the most important;

(ii)         Fame – it gives privileged access; and, measurement in today’s context it is the number of subscribers or followers you may have;

(iii)        Impact – the lives you can change for the better – this is best to count at the end of your life (?);

(iv)        Happiness – the “Pursuit of Happiness” was a movie and it is also included in the U.S. Constitution – but choose a path to pursue and be happy with that;

(v)         Passion – find a goal that you are passionate about and figure out how that is going to reward you;

(vi)        Health – take care of your mind and body – in the same way as a garden. Monetary success is short-lived if you don’t have health;

(vii)       No Regrets – If you focus on regrets then you will be in the “What If” mode. What if I had married Mr X or Ms Y? What if I had worked in Company A or started a business? What if I had forgiven Mr Chan, before he passed on? So instead of spiralling downwards try to enjoy the present and adjust where you can to live-out a full life in the service of God and others.

That’s just my pick of the top 7 on our journey on earth. Remember we are small and insignificant in the grand scheme of things. You and I are on earth to do “good works” because we are His masterpiece!

15 steps to measure success, Emil Anton (

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