Monday 22 January 2024

Why Do “Good” People Steal, Kill and Destroy?

You can take almost any country in the world, and you will find in its history (or currently) they have done all three – steal, kill and destroy.

It is not necessary to look at the Roman Empire or the Mongol hordes, although they have exhibited the worst in humanity. But there are the British, French, German, Belgian, Dutch, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Japanese and many more who have oppressed, stole, killed and destroyed.

So why this madness? There is a “group” think or an “elite” think that justifies the superiority of one race over the other. But each race, civilisation, empire has fallen. Just like the British or the French.

God created humans with diversity in mind. He enjoys colour and intellect. But some of us prefer homogeneity and mono-chrome. Isn’t it better to have a high-definition colour television than a black and white set?


Are we in Malaysia removed from this curse? No! We have “Ketuanan Melayu”, not too different from a racial bigot of a German origin. Malaysians love each other and will help one another in times of need, like the “white flag” movement during the Covid-19 pandemic. But politicians don’t like this. They want to divide and rule. Superiority of one over the other.

Discrimination defies logic, that is if you believe in God. Surprisingly, even atheists cannot tolerate discrimination! For over 50 years, we have lived with the NEP. What has it brought us? More discrimination, more inequality and more unhappiness. More Nons are opting out. Instead of harnessing the best, we are happy if they leave!

It is the same if you walk into France, Germany or England. It is more subtle of course. In Malaysia we are more overt. It is the DAP or haram activities, or not being Malay enough like the former PM of 22 years says. So, do we follow him?

No, we need a new roadmap. Not done by the Nons but by the majority race. Tell us why we should remain. Make history inclusive, drop quotas by race, accept and celebrate each other and show a future for all – no one is left behind.

The Madani Government is better than the alternative, but it is a long road! And only those who could endure may stay! It is difficult to turn an aircraft carrier around but what else have we got? Remember the devil will rejoice when we steal, kill and destroy, not God!

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