Thursday 22 February 2024

Hubby Storage Concept at a Mall

Bored and disinterested husband trailing behind an eager shopaholic wife at a mall is common sight in many parts of the world. The blank, vacant look across a husband or boyfriend’s face is really a sad sight. But there might be a solution, as seen in China.

A shopping mall unveiled a novel concept, which was shared on numerous social media platforms and had garnered plenty of responses. The Global Harbour mall in Shanghai has erected several glass pods for wives to leave any disgruntled husband that don't want to be dragged around shops. The picture shows a man comfortably cocooned within a glass cubicle with the essentials – TV screen, computer joystick and a very comfy-looking recliner. 

Many netizens have clamoured for this to be introduced here. Some are from the bored male fraternity. Currently, the service is free, but in future, users will be able to scan a QR code and pay a small sum for the service using their mobile phones.


Some comments posted on Entrepreneur and Start Ups in Malaysia Facebook forum include:

it was more important that the husband provides the credit card than brute strength as bag-carriers;

what chance do marriages have if the couple cannot even spend some time together shopping; 

a gathering spot for lost males is already in place, the Mamak shop or Kopitiam; and

some additional features to make the contraption the perfect mini man cave could be included.

Given the enthusiasm for this from both sides of the gender divide, this little man-cubicle concept looks ripe for a start-up business. I am all for it! Just give a lock and key to the wife (or girlfriend) to collect him after a marathon shopping spree. But be prepared, the husband or boyfriend could end up fully drunk!


Hubby storage concept at China mall gets netizens’ thumbs up, R. Bala, Focus Malaysia, 13 February 2024-02-14

China mall introduces ‘husband storage’ pods for shopping wives, BBC, 14 July 2017

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