Thursday 10 October 2019

What is Dignity?

The most common response is that dignity is about respect. Dignity is not the same as respect. It is an inherent value and worth as human beings. Respect is earned through one’s actions.

We all have a deep human desire to be treated as something of value. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights proclaims in Article 1:

“All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights”

They are inalienable, it cannot be taken away or given away. It also means certain acts such as torture are prohibited. As Donna Hicks puts it, “it is an inborn value and worth; no one can take it away from you; and honouring dignity in yourself and others, you then become an outstanding citizen of the world.” The only time you may lose it is with declining health or age. As people age or become sick they may not be able to do those things they used to do. Then our worth is threatened. But not by any racial rhetoric!

We may hold a Congress and scream (or shout) about our loss of dignity because of a perceived threat. But that is not dignity, it is perhaps more of respect, which in essence is earned rather than bestowed. So if it is respect that you want, look at China – once thrashed by colonial powers now feared by the West. You can suppress others or even silence them but that’s close to apartheid. The whites in South Africa lost respect then for that. Only Mandela won from his non-violent acts. So too Mohandas Gandhi.

After over 48 years of NEP and all the controls of power – executive branch, legislature, judiciary, police, civil service, armed forces, GLCs, banks, contracts and any other major economic activity, one cannot complain about respect (or dignity) and the lack of it. This is self-inflicted “hara-kiri” because of corruption and/or unwillingness to work hard (the effects of a subsidy or “rent-seeker” mentality).

Source: Shared Prosperity Vision 2030

So it is best to be brave and ask why are we inadequate? Maybe we need a forum on that!! The simple answer is: know who you are; know who you are trying to please (God not Mahathir); and, what we need to accomplish while on earth. Then I promise you, you will have both respect and dignity.

1. Harvey Slade and Ellie Collins, What is Dignity and What Does it Have to Do With Our Rights?
2. Donna Hicks Ph.D., An Oasis of Dignity: Three Powerful Commencement Lessons
3. Michael Koren, How is someone's dignity taken away from them?

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