Thursday 4 March 2021

Is MySejahtera App Doing What It’s Supposed to Do?

Despite most Malaysians cooperating with the Government to curb the spread of COVID-19, the tools being used are not as effective as it should be.

“We need MySejahtera to step up its game to keep all of us safe in this crisis. We should be alerted by the app if we have come into contact with the virus and should get ourselves tested and quarantined. However, this is not happening,” said Selangor state assemblyman Rajiv Rishyakaran said in a statement published by Focus Malaysia on 18 February 2021.

“We scan and scan at every premise we enter, but how many have been notified that they have come into contact with a COVID-19 positive case and thus should report to a health clinic nearby to get tested?”

“It is unlikely that this happens, as now even known closed contacts are not contacted to come in for testing, let alone a crowd that may have been in the same restaurant or bank branch as a positive patient,” he added.

Therefore, Rajiv questions the Government’s move to penalise people for not scanning MySejahtera when the system is not being utilised for what it was designed for.

“If the system was working, and close contacts were effectively and efficiently identified our number would not have risen so high, so quickly. What exactly is MySejahtera doing with all the data they have collected?” Rajiv questioned.

He believes that since the Ministry of Health does not have the capacity to test all visitors of a premise based on ‘location contact tracing’, it should at least justify the reason for the strictness, even if they are not effectively safeguarding those who have registered to the app.

Another fault with the app is its supposed capability of allowing COVID-19 positive users to self-report to the ministry, which has also been problematic.

In an earlier statement, Rajiv asked for clarification on whether reporting via the app will be sufficient or will the users have to head to the Covid Assessment Centres (CAC) physically as well, which would again beat the purpose of the app.

“So, what exactly is the function of MySejahtera and why are forced to comply with a clearly dysfunctional app?” Rajiv concluded.

The app is used by many to avoid writing your name in a book at the premises visited. It seems better to write your name – in fact some use a pseudonym (like Nelson Mandela) and get away with it!

MySejahtera has a huge potential if it expands to an e-wallet but that will depend on the authorities. Meanwhile, it’s best to re-examine its purpose and make it more effective for users.


Rajiv: MySejahtera app is not doing what it’s supposed to do, Focus Malaysia, 18 Feb 2021



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